The Benefits of Laser Treatment for Gum Disease

The Benefits of Laser Treatment for Gum Disease

Posted by Tyler Christensen May 02, 2023

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Laser dentistry is surprisingly versatile, offering solutions for a range of oral health concerns, from gum disease and cavities to orthodontic treatment. With laser therapy, you don’t need stitches or invasive surgery – only a quick procedure that goes virtually painlessly from start to finish. In just one visit, you can have a healthier smile!

Laser Dentistry For Gum Disease

Laser dentistry is used to treat a variety of dental conditions. Lasers can be used to reshape the gums, remove excess gum tissue, or treat gum disease. 

Laser therapy is used to treat periodontal disease. When left untreated, this condition can lead to tooth loss due to extensive damage to the gums and supporting bones in the mouth. A dentist may use an ultrasonic scaling instrument to clean under the gum line to remove plaque, bacteria, and other harmful substances from the mouth. Then the dentist applies the laser to the area to promote the healing of the gum tissues. In some cases, antibiotics may be prescribed to help treat any infection in the gums. It is important to keep up with regular appointments so your dentist can monitor your oral health and take prompt action if complications arise. In addition to improving the health of your gums, gum disease treatment using laser dentistry can also give you relief from tooth sensitivity, bleeding gums, and bad breath.

What Are The Benefits of Laser Dentistry?

Laser dentistry can be used to treat several conditions on the teeth, including gum disease. While regular dental cleanings are important and can help prevent cavities and infection, if gum disease is present, it can only be treated via laser dentistry. 

With this method, a patient’s gum tissues are first numbed with a topical anesthetic, numbing agent, or injection. Then the dentist uses a small diode laser to perform the procedure on the gums. The dentist uses the laser to remove diseased tissue and create healthy, strong foundations for the teeth. Not only is the laser technique effective in treating infected gum tissues, but it also helps patients avoid lengthy periods of downtime and recovery after the surgery is complete. Laser dentistry is also often a preferred option for patients who are concerned about pain and bleeding during the procedure, as laser gum treatments are minimally invasive and do not cause either. This makes it an ideal option for those who suffer from sensitive gums or other dental fears.

This treatment is often less-invasive than invasive oral surgery, so patients experience fewer side effects after treatment and heal much faster. Laser treatments are also often more comfortable for patients than traditional treatments, which often include anesthesia or numbing gels. Many patients prefer laser treatment because the lasers tend to minimize bleeding during procedures, so the need for stitches is typically eliminated. These treatments are quick, and many patients can get back to their regular routine immediately after leaving the dental office. Laser dentistry is also typically less expensive than traditional treatments, including gum surgery and other common dental procedures. Patients can see the benefits of laser dentistry in just a few dental appointments, with long-term results. Once gum disease has been treated, patients should maintain a regular home oral care regimen and schedule regular dental checkups and cleanings.

Is Laser Dentistry Right For Me?

Laser treatment may be recommended as a method of gum disease treatment for some patients, but it may not be the solution for every patient. As with any procedure that treats gum issues, your dentist can answer any questions you may have about your treatment options and which method is right for you. Laser therapy is a gentle, non-surgical method of treating periodontal diseases that involves no scalpels and incisions. It is typically done with a local anesthetic to numb the area and allow the patient to remain comfortable throughout the procedure. Patients can also expect little to no recovery time after having laser treatment for their gum problems.

While laser treatment for gum disease can help to restore health and function to the teeth and gums, it is not the only option available to treat gum infections. When a dentist diagnoses gum problems and determines that this is the condition affecting you, they will be able to discuss with you all of your treatment options and help you decide which is the best one for you.

For more details about laser treatment for gum disease, call us at (702) 331-2121, book online, or visit us at 10521 Jeffreys St #200, Henderson, NV 89052.

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