Finish 2023 Dental Treatment with Christensen Dental

Finish 2023 Dental Treatment with Christensen Dental

Posted by Tyler Christensen Dec 13, 2023

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Finish 2023 Dental Treatment with Christensen Dental

The new year is almost here! We can hardly believe it.  If you are anything like us, you are looking forward to new starts, exciting events, achieving goals, and crossing long overdue tasks off your t-do list.  Our Henderson dental office is preparing for new patients in January and the months to come, as well as reaching out to existing patients to discuss treatment that has not been completed yet.  If we have reached out to you or you know you need treatment done still, you are probably wondering if it is too late to do it this year.  In some cases, it is too late to do treatment if you want to use this year’s benefits, but it is never too late to look ahead into the new year.  Let’s use dental implants as an example and assume your insurance benefits renew in January 2024.  If one of our Henderson dentists has recommended a dental implant to replace a missing tooth, the implant can still be placed this year, using your remaining benefits.  Dr. Ashley Christensen can place an implant this year and, after several months of healing, the abutment and crown will be placed using next year’s benefits.  This is a great way to maximize your benefits!! Let’s break it down into steps with a visual aid.

Christensen Dental

In the picture above, you can see that there is a screw and a fixture. This is a dental implant, and it is placed in the jawbone, below the gumline.  Once it is placed, the implant needs several months to integrate into the bone. The picture also shows an abutment and a crown.  That is attached to the implant after it has healed for several months.  Since this part of the process does not occur for several months after Dr. Ashley Christensen places the implant, 2024 benefits can be used for this part of the procedure, while your remaining 2023 benefits are used towards the placement of the implant.  Implants are a wonderful way to replace missing teeth.  If you have discussed dental implants with one of our Henderson dentists this year, call our office so that we can schedule you for a consultation and get the process started.


Before an implant can be placed, a panoramic image will need to be taken in our office.  This allows Dr. Ashley Christensen to evaluate the health and structure of your jawbone to determine if you are indeed a candidate for a dental implant.  Our office staff also reviews consent forms, prescriptions, and the financial agreement with you so that the surgery day runs smoothly.  This is also another opportunity for us to answer any questions and address any concerns you may have. 


At Christensen Dental, dental implants boast an exceptionally high success rate. When coupled with precise treatment, meticulous surgical techniques, and prosthetics tailored to the individual patient, patients can enjoy the benefits of their titanium implant to last for years to come.  With proper home care, regular cleanings, and timely dental exams, patients can do their part to care for the prosthetic. 


Beyond their exceptional longevity, dental implants offered at Christensen Dental provide additional benefits, including:


Restoration of facial appearance.

Improvement in eating, chewing, and speech functions.

Enhancement of a radiant smile.

Prevention of bone loss through stimulation of the jawbone.

Natural appearance, closely resembling your existing teeth.

Experience the transformative and enduring benefits of dental implants with us at Christensen Dental.


Our Henderson dental office is proud to offer this option to our patients and we enjoy seeing smiles restored.  If you have remaining dental benefits to use this year, and expect your dental benefits will renew in 2024, replacing a missing tooth or teeth with a dental implant is an exceptional option.  Contact our office today to request an appointment before the year ends.

***All statements made regarding insurance coverage are generalization and do not guarantee coverage or payment by your insurance company***

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